Inspirer, Cultiver, Créer
A International School of Morocco, nous suivons le programme britannique dans le cadre des preceptes de l'IB afin d'offrir un programme rigoureux en utilisant les meilleures pratiques en terme d'enseignement et d'apprentissage.
Notre programme est transdiciplinaire, ce qui signifie que les matières ne sont pas enseignées de manière isolée.
Teachers collaborate with specialist teachers and other subject teachers to make connections around transdisciplinary themes (see below) big ideas and/or concepts that are taught for each unit. Teachers share strategies, learning activities, differentiation methods and language targets so that each child is able to grow as a learner within each unit (see the Program of Inquiry, or POI, below for examples of units at each grade level in the PYP).
Our curriculum focuses not only on academics but also on key approaches to learning (thinking, research, time management, communication, and social skills) that are essential skills students will need to be future ready. Through our curriculum students develop the key concepts, attitudes and knowledge needed to help them become internationally-minded students. This is achieved through the lens of the IB learner profile, building well-rounded students who are able to think critically and globally, collaborate with others, inquire about the world around them and are creative!